Generating and conserving top air quality.
Equipment with pioneer technology designed to destroy VOC’s and biologicals that affect indoor air quality.
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Industry Applications

Applications for Engineers

Our Products Create a Healthier Environment

A building’s indoor air quality (IAQ) is crucial to the health of anyone who works or lives inside of it. Design engineers and architects need to keep IAQ in mind when planning out a building, and Pura Vida is the perfect partner to have on your side.

Hospital Applications

Our Products Make Hospitals Safer

Hospitals and health care facilities look to sustainable design concepts to reduce infection and improve the indoor environment in hospitals. Pura Vida provides hospitals with the most advanced air purification equipment on the market. Current data shows that hospitals with Pura Vida equipment installed in critical care areas average a MRSA SIR (Standard Infection Rate) of 52.14% whereas the current National Average is 92.07%.

Indoor Agricultural Facilities

Airport Applications

When Indoor Air Quality Matters, Call Pura Vida

With constant foot traffic and high volumes of people, poor indoor air quality is common in airports. A PCO unit from Pura Vida is the perfect solution for airports looking to improve their indoor air quality and remove any unwanted odors from their halls.

Commercial Applications

Perfect for Schools, Casinos, and Any Other Commercial Building

When you are in charge of improving indoor air quality for a large commercial building, Pura Vida has the perfect equipment to exceed your needs. Our equipment can be found improving air quality in commercial buildings all over the world, from international casinos to animal hospitals.

Residential Applications

Provide Your Family with the Cleanest Air Possible

For when performance matters. City, State, Federal and DoD applications.
Do you know how clean the air in your home is? Without the use of advanced testing methods, you might not be aware that your home’s IAQ is dangerously poor. Pura Vida is here to not just improve your home’s IAQ, but keep it that way.

City, State, and Federal Applications

Improve Indoor Air Quality with Pura Vida

For when performance matters. City, State, Federal and DoD applications.

  • Need to meet High Performance and Sustainable Building Requirements?
  • Pura Vida Panels perform.
  • How about DoD Antiterrorism Criteria? Using Pura Vida Panels, Standard 18 requirements can be satisfied without turning off AHUs.
  • Need L.E.E.D. point’s? We can deliver up to three.

Upgrade Your Air and Life Quality